Aquatic Plants
Full plant list available for custom/large plant orders. Plant varieties vary on season and availability.

Hardy Lilies
Part/Full Sun | Spring-Fall Blooms
2.5 Gallon Pot

Tropical Lilies
Full Sun | Spring-Fall Blooms
2.5 Gallon Pot

Marginal Plants
1 Gallon Pot

Lily-Like Floating Plants
Full Sun | Spring-Fall
1-2.5 Gallon Pot

Water Lettuce
Part/Full Sun | Spring-Fall Blooms

Full Sun | SPRING-SUMMER Blooms
Plant List
Water Lilies: HARDY LILIES
Aflame (aka Escarboucle) – bright red
Barbara Dobbins – large yellow with peachy outer petals
Black Princess – very dark red
Chromatella – classic yellow with marbled leaves
Cliff Tiffany – new yellow, like Texas Dawn with red/brown leaves
Gregg’s Orange Beauty – Glowing orangy bloom, new leaves red
Hermine – small to medium white
Lemon Meringue – very double yellow w/ speckled eaves, nice!
Mangkala Ubol – large double peach
Meteor (aka Rembrandt) – red
Miss Siam – Hottest dark pink, new leaves reddish
Pink Sparkle – stellate pink, good bloomer on sm-med plant
Prakisad – Salmon bloom like Colorado but more intense color bloom and leaf! Very free flowering (New from Thailand)
Pygmy Red – dwarf pink/red
Starbright – white with a pinkish cast, nice mottled leaves
Texas Dawn – large yellow, mottled leaves
Violicious – amethyst violet hardy x tropical hybrid (hardy purple)
Walter Pagels – small creamy white
Wanvisa – variegated orangy-pink bloom, finely striated & speckled with yellow.
White Hot – pink w/ glowing white center, very mottled leaves
Water Lilies: TROPICAL
Assorted Day Blooming Tropical Waterlilies – named varieties, our choice
Charles Thomas – large light blue
Dauben – very light blue.
Islamorada – purple with white mottling on petals; unique
Lindsey Woods – purple with black bud
Maroon & Pink – nice dark bicolor with contrasting black buds
Panama Pacific – strong purple
Royal Purple – purple
Shirley Bryne – Pink
Night Blooming Tropical Lily
Lily-Like Aquatic Submerged
Aponogeton distachyus (water hawthorne) Z6
Hydrocleys nymphoides (water poppy) Z7
Nymphoides indica (giant water snowflake) Z9
Nymphoides peltata (floating heart) Z6
Lotus – Call for Pricing
Assorted Small / Medium in 3-5 Gallon Pots
Assorted Large in 13″ Pots
Marginal Shallow Water Bog Plants
- Iris Louisiana ‘Acadian Miss’ – white Z5
- Iris La. ‘Colorific’ – white/pink & magenta/purple bicolor Z4
- Iris ‘Enfant Prodige’ Vigorous blue-violet, extra blooms Z4
- Iris ‘Tsukiyono’ (Moonlit Field) Light lavender, yellow signal, purple halo w eyelashes. Nice, vigorous, tall. Chartreuse leaves in spring
- Iris versicolor ‘Mountain Brook’ – blue Z4
- Iris virginica ‘Contraband Girl’ – light blue Z5
- Acorus calamus ‘Variegata'(variegated sweet flag)
- Acorus gramineus ‘Ogon’
- Acrostichum danaeifolium (Florida leather fern) Z9
- Asclepias curassavica (Mexican butterfly plant) Z8
- Canna ‘Australia Compact’ – Z8 dwarf form of Australia, red waxy red leaves. About 18”, great foliage accent, does not bloom!
- Canna ‘Bengal Tiger’ (Pretoria) –orange Z8
- Canna Longwood ‘Endeavor’ – red Z8 limited
- Carex nigra (black flowering sedge) Z5
- Colocasia esculenta ‘Elepaio’ (variegated taro) Z9
- Cotula coronopifolia (brass buttons) Z7 California native
- Crinum ‘Hannibal’s Dwarf’ Z8 pink flowers
- Cuphea ignea (firecracker/cigar plant) Z10
- Cyperus alternifolius (umbrella palm) Z7
- Cyperus giganteus (giant papyrus) Z8
- Echinodorus barthii (red melon swordplant) Z7
- Hedychium coronarium (butterfly ginger) Z7 white summer/fall
- Hibiscus coccineus (scarlet rosemallow) a little short but strong
- Hippuris ssp. (feathery mare’s tail) Z6
- Hippuris vulgaris. (mare’s tail) Z6
- Hout. cordata ‘Chameleon’ (var. heart leaf) (moist to 1” deep)
- Hydrocotyle bonariensis (giant pennywort) Z6
- Hydrocotyle verticillata (water pennywort) Z6
- Hymenocallis lirosome (spider lily) Z8
- Juncus ‘Blue Dart’ (rush) Z5 Short (24”), pretty blue!
- Juncus effusus ‘Spiralis’ (corkscrew rush) Z4
- Juncus inflexus ‘Afro’ Z4
- Juncus patens (blue rush) Z4
- Juncus patens ‘Elk Blue’ (Elk Blue rush) Z4
- Leucojum aestivum (snowflake bells) Z5
- Lindernia grandiflora (blue moneywort) Z7
- Lobelia cardinalis (red cardinalflower) Z7
- Lobelia ‘Queen Victoria’ cardinalflower
- Lysmachia nummilaria (creeping Jenny) Z5
- Lysmachia nummilaria ‘Aurea’ (golden creeping Jenny) Z5
- Mentha aquatica (aquatic mint) Z5
- Mimulus guttatus (yellow monkeyflower) Z4 likes streambeds!
- Mimulus ringens (lavender musk) Z3
- Myosotis scirpoides (blue forget-me-not) Z4 likes streambeds!
- Myriophyllum aquaticum (parrot feather) Z6
- Myriophyllum species (dwarf red stem parrot feather) Z6
- Nasturtium officinale (watercress) Z4
- Oenanthe javanica (water celery) Z5
- Oenanthe javanica ‘Flamingo’ (variegated water celery) Z5
- Oenanthe species (dwarf water celery) Z5
- Phragmites australis aurea (golden reed) Z6
- Physostegia virginiana (obedient plant) Z6 pink blooms
- Pontederia cordata (pickerel rush), shorter strain Z3
- Ranunculus flammula (mini spearwort) Z5
- Ruellia brittoniana ‘Chi Chi’ (pink bells)
- Rumex sanguineus (bloody dock) Z5
- Saururus cernuus (lizard’s tail) Z4
- Scirpus cernuus (fiber optics rush)
- Scirpus ‘Zebrinus’ (zebra rush) Z5-6
- Spilanthes oleracea (buzz buttons, toothache plant) Z10 Many conical yellow blooms are a taste sensation!. Moist soil only
- Taxodium distachium (bald cypress) Z5
- Tulbaghia violacea ‘Variegata’ (variegated society garlic) Z8
- Typha latifolia (common cattail) Z5
- Typha laxmannii (graceful cattail) Z3
- Zantedeschia aethiopica (calla lily) Z7
- Zantedeschia aethiopica ‘Giant White’ (calla lily) Z7
- Zantedeschia aethiopica ‘Green Goddess’ (calla lily) Z7
- Zantedeschia aethiopica ‘Marshmallow’ (speckled calla lily) Z7